Eric had this brilliant idea that I should post pictures of a tour of hot spots around Mankato. So being that its friday and I didn't feel like doing work, I rode my bike all over town taking pictures. Very productive, I know, but there was nothing else to do, and who knows, maybe someone will appreciate it. (Let's be honest, I just wanted an excuse to go visit the buffalo.) Anyway. From North Mankato, over the River to Old town Mankato, up the hill to campus and back again.

Downtown North Mankato. Laundry, Pizza Shop, Post Office, Bank, Bar. You know, essentials.

Over the river: into Mankato. (The Minnesota River divides North Mankato from Mankato. Also a county boarder, which being that I live only 3 blocks from it makes the whole tornado siren situation a little interesting.)

Downtown (lower) Mankato. This is Riverfront St. Really cool antique shops, small independents, coffee shops, etc. Also the closest building with the white corner on it is the Wine Cafe. Love that place.

One of the local lawyers is a Bluth. (thats for Lex and Devon)

The Carnige. (Local Art Gallery)

Main Court yard on Cherry and Riverfront. Where most of the bars are. Occasionally the ExEd crowd hangs out at the first one in the picture, Blue Bricks.

My new McSwiggins

Pub 500. Rated the best bar in Mankato, and its pretty nice. It's where we go for Happy Hour on Fridays after work.

up the hill to campus!!

Mankato has two sections, Downtown and "The Hill". Downtown is super cute and where are the bars and cool stores are. "The Hill" is where campus is and all the undergrad crappy apartments and all the chain stores you could ever wish for. This is part of the nice bike ride up the hill to campus, the only place were you can see through the trees to see that you're actually gaining elevation, and you start to wonder where the hell this huge hill came from that is kicking your ass when the rest of Minnsota is so freaking flat!

Fountain outside the Union

This is the center of campus, on a Friday at noon. Notice anything strange? It's empty, no one here likes teaching on fridays so there aren't any classes, so no one comes to school. So odd.

The Student Union (Cennetinal Student Union to be more exact)

Inside the union.

I know, its just a bell tower, and its not even attached to a building or anything, its just this big square thing in the middle of the Alumni Mall on campus. I've never heard it ring either. But I guess its super important because they put the pictures of it all over the promo stuff.

You know your student center is too big when it has its own Barnes and Noble.

My Favorite grocery store! Open 24 hours, full pharmacy, natural foods section, and a huge produce section. Seriously awesome. (plus I can ride my bike there.)

Viking Dude outside the BlueEarth Public Library (downtown Mankato)

The Buffalo! He's my favorite part of Mankato. I ride my bike the long way home just so I can ride past him. Only in Minnesota would we have a giant buffalo downtown.

Cross Street!

The House! I have the whole building to myself because the downstairs is still being renovated. I have these sweet back entry stairs.
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