Raising Phoenix

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Yay! Eric is in town for the weekend! It's so fabulous to have friends in town meeting friends!! We just got back from the Great Big Sea concert (which was kick ass) and I wanted to post a picture of our awesome afternoon project! New bookshelf!! woot!

So awesome! Anway, we're totally zonked, and therefore need to sleep. More reporting on Rachel/Eric awesomeness later.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Savannah- Part 1

I love being in Savannah. It's been years since I have been down here, but I love it all the same. It is amazing how this place never changes much. My grandfather lives on Skidaway Island just outside of Savannah. And the house is beautiful. It's a little strange being here, seeing that the last time I was in this house was for my Grandmother's funeral 6 years ago. She had this amazing talent for music and could play anything on the piano. She had this remarkable talent for being able to play by ear, and as a result her and I used to spend many hours sitting at the piano together. So when I got down here on Monday night I couldn't help but sit down and the piano and I noticed that not a thing had been touched on that instrument since she last played it. The music was still out and open to Chopin, and her hymnal was still sitting right next to the music stand with a church bulltin in it from just a few weeks before she died. Suprisingly enough it wasn't that far out of tune so I played for a little bit, not realizing that my Grandfather was in the house. I think it was when we both realized that this was the first time the piano was making any sound since she last played it we both started crying. Sometimes it really hits me how much I miss her.

In other news, Coppy and I went out to Tybee Island today and I took some pictures of some rocks that I thought were cool at Tybee beach.

We are headed downtown tomorrow, for some pre-St. Patty's day fun on the riverfront. and hopefully some more pictures!